Bikers versus Yuppies...

By: Android

Biker <<-- Android, The Biker Yuppie
Or, Andy The Yuppie? -->>
March 1998 May 1999

I pride myself on being a nonconformist. Fortunately, my employer doesn't place a high value on appearances. In the winter, I look like the guy on the left... In the summer, I appear as you see above on the right. My wife loves my big fluffy beard. So, I usually start growing it on her birthday in September. For a little extra fun, I dye it green on St. Patrick's day and I usually visit the barber the next day to have it clipped off along with about 6 months growth of hair. For several weeks prior to March 17th, I wear only blue jeans and black biker T-Shirts. Then, after the trim and a close shave, I wear one of my best suits to work. One of my favorite ploys is to surprise recent acquaintances who have never seen me without a beard. They frequently have no idea who I am until I speak and they recognize my distinctive voice.Happy St. Patty's Day! - 1999

I'll go out of my way to exaggerate the contradictions that support my nonconformist ways. I'll eat dinner at a 4 star restaurant in February while dressed as a biker. Or, I'll visit a customer site in the summer riding my Harley Davidson Low Rider; wearing a suit with my tie flapping in the wind over my shoulder. Effie loves to play mini-golf. So, we'll get a group of biker friends to join us for an afternoon of mini-golf. It's fun to observe the reactions of the locals and their kiddies when a "gang" of bikers gets in line at the mini-golf course.In JAXville during Bike Week - 1995

I suspect many of my upper middle class coworkers think I belong to an outlaw motorcycle club. On the other hand, I've been called a Yuppie and a Rubbie (a derogatory biker term for Rich Urban Biker) by my riding friends. Since there is no precise definition of "Yuppie" or "Biker", anyone could argue that I am either one or the other, both or neither. To whom does it really matter? Certainly not me. I'm having too much fun finding new ways to surprise people